Visit to the Imo State Police Commissioner


CLEEN Foundation in collaboration with Oluaka Institute of Technology as part of its commitment to justice sector reform and partnership with the police, recently donated some of its research publications to the Imo State Police Command. Making the donation on behalf of both organizations, the Rector of OIT, Mr. Olalere Adeyemi and the CLEEN Owerri Office Coordinator, Ms Clara Amadi, reiterated both organizations commitment to partner with the State Command in enhancing knowledge and building the capacity of officers of the command, to enable them deliver on their key responsibilities of ensuring the safety of lives and property in the state. This informed the donation of various research publications on crime, safety, police and policing to the state command.

The Commissioner of Police thanked the team from both organisations for the visit which he described as timely and appropriate. He expressed his gratitude at the books donated stating that CLEEN Foundation’s well researched publications were very well known to the police. He stated his happiness to learn about Oluaka Institute of Technology, its relationship with CLEEN Foundation and the great work it’s been doing in the education, technology and innovation sector. The police in the 21st century according to him, must be a technology savvy police and as such stated the willingness of the command to partner with Oluaka in building the capacity of his officers and men.

Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology