Special Projects

The Special Projects department of Oluaka Institute was set up to design projects and develop proposals in partnership with individuals and organizations who having recognised our area of expertise and focus, want to work with us in the areas of technological training; innovation & entrepreneurship; youth empowerment and mentoring.

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Firma Advisory Project

The Managing Partner of Firma Advisory Ms. Uwanaka Chinenye approached the management of Oluaka in November 2022, to discuss digital and entrepreneurship training for ten (10) youths from her local government area, Nwangele in Orlu LGA of Imo State. A series of meetings were held and the two weeks training was scheduled for January 2023. Shortlisting of the students took place in December.

While it is customary for us to train participants during our Resident Bootcamp on intermediate-level courses such as: Cybersecurity, Advanced Excel, Python Programming and Javascript Deep Dive, we had to create a new course header for the youth of Nwagele under the following considerations:

  • They may be coming from a non-ICT-literate background (core beginners)
  • None of our regular boot camp courses will permit a core beginner to make sense of the investment except if s/he has some level of knowledge on the subject before joining.
  • They need to start utilizing the skills almost immediately if we must measure the impact

Against these backdrops, we created a CMS (Content Management System) track to be added to our boot camp with a focus on the youth from Nwangele. To ensure that the participants were able to move from whatever level they were to the level we envisaged for them (even when we are unaware of the age bracket of the participants), we created our scheme of work to cover:

  • Web Design using Word Press
  • Learn Model Canvass
  • Startup Bootstrapping
  • Entrepreneurship sessions
  • Mentorship series (to inspire and encourage the participants)
Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology