Special Projects

The Special Projects department of Oluaka Institute was set up to design projects and develop proposals in partnership with individuals and organizations who having recognised our area of expertise and focus, want to work with us in the areas of technological training; innovation & entrepreneurship; youth empowerment and mentoring.

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In March 2023, Oluaka Institute of Technology, Owerri received a one-year grant from LEAP AFRICA/NYFF (National Youth Future Funds) for a project, aimed at empowering young persons in the South East, through capacity building in technology, entrepreneurship and leadership.

The Objectives of the project included:

  1. Upskilling selected youths in digital skills based on their inherent interests
  2. Training selected youths who are business inclined on enterprise development skills (and mentoring them to get their products to market – Idea to MVP to Market)
  3. Building youth capacity for civic participation and leadership positions.

The project had the following activities lined up:

  1. Selection of 3 focal states and identification of five (5) partners in each states.
  2. Organizing a pre-commencement meeting with the partners (youth groups)
  3. IEC materials production
  4. 14 days residential Bootcamp for 30 youths on technology and civic participation (bi-annual) targeted above entry-level skills.
  5. Development of animated videos for social media on youth, technology, and civic participation.
  6. Ten weeks of UI/UX class on programming, and entrepreneurial training for 30 youths targeted at entry-level skills.

A total of 55 youths benefitted directly from the project. Oluaka Institute of Technology is grateful to Leap Africa/NYFF for the support which impacted greatly on the youths who participated in the various programmes as evidenced in the video below.

Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology
Oluaka Institute of Technology